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AtAppStore Catalog as of Feb 22, 2025

©WFPro Classic Task

There is jumpiness in the new task list as well as an inability to use CTRL + F when searching for tasks.
With a custom task report on a custom tab, tasks can be viewed similarly to the classic experience.
Cost:  $0/Package
Instructional Video:  No

©WFPro Custom Data

Efficiently creating and managing custom forms is challenging with the native Setup > Custom Forms interface.
©Custom Data exposes custom forms and fields in a way that allows the administrator to quickly move through changes with little effort.
Cost:  $999/Package
Instructional Video:  No

©WFPro Home

The instance of Workfront lacks architectural standards, organization and tools, which is hindering user adoption for administrators and users alike.
As a prerequisite for subsequent WFPro package installations, WFPro Home is a package that prepares the instance for the journey into WFPro approach to Workfront administration.
Cost:  $0/Package
Instructional Video:  No

©WFPro License Recovery

Licenses are expensive. Identifying unused licenses is difficult. Communicating a change is time consuming.
With just a couple of clicks from a report, notify the user via an update to their profile of the license reduction and change the license to a Review license.
Cost:  $999/Package
Instructional Video:  No

©WFPro Prioritize

With so many options between native and custom fields, prioritization approaches can be challenging to settle on.
With WFPro Prioritize, you'll gain the ability to view and prioritize all of your issues and tasks from a single dashboard, with a mobile-friendly version for those on the go and and a full-width dashboard for desktop users.
Cost:  $2,999/Package
Instructional Video:  No

©WFPro Request Queues

Managing request types, queue topics and queues is challenging without the right tools.
©Request Queues brings a collection of dashboards to the instance that expose request types, queues and queue topics in an organized and functional design.
Cost:  $1,199/Package
Instructional Video:  No

©WFPro Statuses

As administrators, we can quickly lose track of the many custom statuses created over time. As end users, we lack the ability to truly understand the meaning behind custom statuses without significant effort.
With a simple dashboard serving as a catalog of statuses and a project to document each status, we bring clarity to statuses for everyone, which improves adoption and the quality of reports.
Cost:  $499/Package
Instructional Video:  No

©WFPro User Project Count

How can I quickly find out how many Projects each User is on (without exporting to Excel)?
This Package provides a Dashboard that shows the number of Projects per User in grid mode, and the number of Assignments per User in Chart mode.
Cost:  $0/Package
Instructional Video:  No

©WFPro Users

Evaluating and managing users and settings can be very time consuming with the native tools.
©Users is a dashboard that provides both administrators and end users with an elegant presentation of user profile information, making it simple for anyone to quickly access the details and/or modify users with ease. Complete with shared columns and collections, the reports are a must have for any instance.
Cost:  $1,199/Package
Instructional Video:  No


WFPro Administration Dashboard for AtApp Certified Developers (ACE).
Install this dashboard for use while managing your own packages as a developer.
Cost:  $0/Package
Instructional Video:  No

Assign Resources

Easily assign resources to a large numbers of Workfront tasks in your environment.
Select a project priority indicator, a date range, an Workfront Projects filter and an Workfront Users filter, then let this app auto-assign available resources to tasks based on matching Workfront Roles.
Cost:  $0.25/Task
to a maximum of:
Instructional Video:  No

Assign Resources Planned

Easily Assign Resources (using Planned Dates) to a large numbers of AtTask tasks in your environment.
Select a project priority indicator, a date range, an AtTask Projects filter and an AtTask Users filter, then let this app auto-assign available resources to tasks based on matching AtTask Roles.
Cost:  $0.25/Task
to a maximum of:
Instructional Video:  No

Assign Roles

Easily update tasks from generic to sepecific roles on a large number of Workfront tasks in your environment.
Select an Workfront project filter and a project parameter to use as a "suffix" on all task roles, then let this app auto-match each unassigned, unstarted, single role task from its generic template roles to its project specific suffixed roles, thereby preparing such tasks for multi project resource leveling using our Assign Resource AtApp.
Cost:  $0.25/Task
to a maximum of:
Instructional Video:  No

Assignment Report for Team

What is the best way to see users' "Working On" and "Work Requests" info/tasks that are no longer included in the New Workfront Experience?
Deploy this package to your environment so you can use the Assignment Report for Team solution that Anthony Imgrund of FCB developed and presented at LEAP, and as he suggested, then feel free to adapt it by:

- Add the column Assignment -> Status to let you know if the task or issue is still a Work Request or if the user has select Work On It, and/or

- Updating (or removing) the default HomeTeamID in the Project Filter in order to retrieve the data of interest, and

- Add a report prompt for Assigned To ID so that you can pick and choose the users you want to see, and then in the filters, you can remove the Assigned To Home Group ID filters since you won't need them

If you have any questions (or would like to thank Anthony for sharing), please drop him a line via https://one.Workfront.com


AtAppDemo AFA Burn Check

How can I assess whether my instance is properly configured to track Margins?
Deploy our AFA Burn Check package to install our AFA Burn Check dashboard, with which you can assess, and improve the key data that drives our AFA Burn List and AFA Burn Report solutions, adjusting the filters as needed over time to focus on the companies and departments of interest.
Cost:  $0/Package
Instructional Video:  No

AtAppDemo AFA Burn List

How can I manage Approved, Forecast, and Actual Hours and Hour Costs at the Total, Portfolio, Program, and Project level?
Deploy our AtAppDemo AFA Burn List package into your environment, attach and update the desired Projects with our AFAR Price To Client custom form and field, add and share our AtApp AFA All (Project) filter plus our AtAppDemo AFA Burn List (Standalone) dashboard and/or AtAppDemo AFA Burn List (Portfolio), AtAppDemo AFA Burn List (Program), and AtAppDemo AFA Burn List (Project) custom sections to the desired Users' Layout Templates, click the resulting AtAppDemo AFE Burn List dashboard or custom section, use the Currency Converter to look up the desired Exchange Rate, choose the desired Project Filter and/or Settings for page header, level of detail (Total, Portfolio, Program, or Project), type in the desired Currency code and Exchange Rate, set the optional Delta Cutoff +/- amount to control positive (blue) and negative (red) highlighting, click View Report to see the summarized Approved, Forecast, Scope Creep, Actual, and Remaining Hours and Hour Costs, and (if shown) optionally hold [Ctrl] and click the Project name to navigate to that Project in a new tab.

NOTE: this is an introductory offer for a LIMITED TRIAL until April 30, 2023. Refer to our catalog for more information.

Cost:  $4,999/Package
Instructional Video:  No

AtAppDemo AFA Burn Report with Baseline+

How can I manage Approved, Forecast, and Actual Hours and Hour Costs and Projections at the Project, Department, Role, and User level?
Deploy our AtAppDemo AFA Burn Report with Baseline+ package into your environment, attach and update the desired Projects with our AFAR Price To Client custom form and field, add and share our AtApp AFA All (Project) filter plus our AtAppDemo Baselineᐩ (Standalone) dashboard and/or AtAppDemo Baselineᐩ (Project), and AtAppDemo AFA Burn Report (Project) custom sections to the desired Users' Layout Templates, click the resulting AtAppDemo Baseline+ dashboard or custom section to generate either non or default Baseline+ advanced Baseline Details, click the resulting AtAppDemo AFE Burn Report custom section, choose the desired Date Range and Settings for page header, USD (default) vs Project currency, level of detail (Total, Department, Role, or User), set the optional Delta Cutoff +/- amount to control positive (blue) and negative (red) highlighting, click View Report to see the resulting Margin Summary, Selected Detail vs Summary, as well as summarized Approved, Forecast, Scope Creep, Actual, Remaining, and Burn Projection Hours and Hour Costs.

NOTE: this is an introductory offer for a LIMITED TRIAL until April 30, 2023. Refer to our catalog for more information.

Cost:  $4,999/Package
Instructional Video:  No

AtAppDemo Baseline+ Dashboards

How can I easily create Baselines across multiple Projects for future reporting and analysis purposes?
Our Baselineᐩ solution automatically generate Baselines for the Projects of interest, PLUS the underlying margin details and can even include custom data

Refer to our catalog for details.‎

Cost:  $0/Package
Instructional Video:  No

AtAppDemo MarCom Gantt Package

How can I set key dates such as Planning and Execution by Program to help me prioritize them against other Programs, and then optionally contrast them against the underlying Projects as they become current and get closed?
Deploy our AtAppDemo MarCom Gantt package into your environment. Share the AtAppDemo MarCom Gantt (Standalone), AtAppDemo MarCom Gantt (Portfolio) and AtAppDemo MarCom Gantt (Program) dashboards with the Users of interest (via Layout Templates, setting up the latter two as Custom Tabs at the Portfolio and Program level, respectively). Also share the MarCom Gantt (Program) custom form, MarCom Gantt (Program) view, and MarCom Gantt Default filter with those same users. Invite them to filter a list of the Programs of interest, then for each such Program, use the MarCom Gantt (Program) view to enter the Pre Planning Start Date, Planning Start Date, Execution Start Date, In Flight Start Date, Measurement Start Date, and Completion End Date. All six dates must be entered in order to be eligible for the MarCom Gantt report, so if any are not needed, set its date to match the next date, effectively "shrinking" the former to zero duration. With that data then updated, navigate to either any of the Dashboards. Leave the Select Report tab set to MarCom Gantt. Leave the Program Filter set to MarCom Gantt Default (noting that you can optionally select any user-defined Program filter to which you have access). Optionally, override the From and To dates (which default to the beginning of the current month and two years from that date, respectively) on the Dates tab. On the Settings tab, toggle the Show Project Details for Current (yellow) and Complete (grey) projects either on or off as you prefer, select the desired Gantt Sort to either Name (default), Pre Planning, Planning, Execution, In Flight, Measurement, or Completion, then click the View Report button to retrieve the data. Zoom and scroll to review the results, and optionally right click to toggle to the desired.pdf / .pptx / .doc / .tiff / .xls filetype extension then left-click to download the MarCom Gantt in that desired format for distribution or further analysis. Scroll to the bottom of the dashboard to locate and adjust a Program of interest directly on its editable grid row, then scroll to the top again and View Report to see the impact of those edits.
Cost:  $1,999/Package
Instructional Video:  No

AtAppDemo Open Issues

How can I track, trend, and improve my Request / Issue Management within Workfront?
Deploy our AtAppDemo Open Issues package into your environment, navigate to and filter for the Users of interest, set the view to AtApp Open Issues Report, bulk update those Users to AtApp Open Issues Report Activated = Yes, add our AtAppDemo Open Issues Report (Portfolio), AtAppDemo Open Issues Report (Program), and/or AtAppDemo Open Issues Report (Project) custom sections (or tabs in Workfront Classic) to those Users Layout Templates, open the AtApp Open Issues Report (Standalone Dashboard), set the Report Options (e.g. "Show Portfolios = Yes", etc.), set the desired Date range and Issue Filter, then click View Report to render the report. Assess the results (adjusting the Report Options and re-running the report to Show more details), then click any specific Portfolio, Program, or Project listed to open it, then click its corresponding AtAppDemo Open Issues custom section (or tab in Workfront Classic), noting that each will self-filter to the context of that level.
Cost:  $3,999/Package
Instructional Video:  No

AtAppDemo Project Status Report

How can I efficiently create a data driven one-page Project Status Report?
Deploy our AtAppDemo Project Status Report package into your environment, navigate to and filter for the Users of interest, set the view to AtApp Project Status Report, bulk update those Users to AtApp Project Status Report Activated = Yes, add our AtApp Project Status Report or custom section (or tab in Workfront Classic) to those Users' Layout Templates, click the resulting AtApp Project Status Report custom section (or tab) on any Project, choose the desired AtApp Project Status Report Options, then refresh the page to see the Project's resulting data driven one page AtApp Project Status Report.
Cost:  $2,999/Package
Instructional Video:  No

AtAppDemo Swimlane Report

How can I tag Projects, Tasks and/or Issues and visualize them in a Swimlane Report within Workfront?
Deploy our AtAppDemo Open Issues package into your environment. Share the Swimlane Details (Projects), Swimlane Details (Tasks), and Swimlane Details (Issues) views and filters with the Users of interest and invite them to use those views to tag the Projects, Tasks, and/or Issues of interest to appear on the Swimlane Portolio, Swimlane Program, and/or Swimlane Project Owner reports as desired. Navigate to and filter for the Users of interest, set the view to AtApp Swimlane Report, bulk update those Users to AtApp Swimlane Report Activated = Yes, add our AtAppDemo Swimlane Report (Standalone Dashboard), AtAppDemo Swimlane Report (Portfolio), AtAppDemo Swimlane Report (Program), and/or AtAppDemo Swimlane Report (Project) dashboards and/or custom sections to those Users' Layout Templates. On any such dashboard, set the Report Options (e.g. "Show Logo = My Domain", Project Contains, etc.), set Select Report (e.g. "Swimlane Portfolo"), and optionally change the Project/Task/Issue default filters, set the desired Date range. Optionally change the Report Settings (e.g. Page Height = Legal Portrait, Time Level = Month, etc.), then click View Report to render the report. Assess the results (adjusting the Report Options, Filters, and/or Settings as desired)), then click any specific Portfolio, Program, or Project listed to open it, ctrl-click the "P", "T", or "I" hyperlink to navigate to the corresponding Project, Task or Issue for more information, and optionally right click to toggle to the desired.pdf / .pptx / .doc / .tiff / .xls filetype extension then left-click to download the Swimlane in that desired format for distribution or further analysis.
Cost:  $499/Package
Instructional Video:  No

AtAppDemo Tags Report

How can I create a report that returns any Update in which the currently logged in user was Tagged, or one of the Teams of which they are a member was Tagged in an organized fashion over time?
See this video showing how our AtAppDemo Tags Report is built, how it works, and how you can deploy it to your own environment to then adjust and share it with your users.
Cost:  $0/Package
Instructional Video:  No

AtAppDemo User Initials

How can I default the Initials for users who have not yet uploaded their photo to make our environment more engaging?
Deploy our User Initials package into your environment, navigate to all Users, set the view to Users Initials, then bulk update all of them to User Initials Activated = Yes, then note that our User Image Small, User Image Medium, and User Image Large textmode columns display either the User's photo (if present) or an image of the User Initials, and reuse them in your own views and reports.
Cost:  $0/Package
Instructional Video:  No

Auto-Complete Milestone Tasks

To save time for Project Managers by automatically marking Workfront milestone Tasks (those with zero work) as Complete once their predecessors are all complete.
This AtApp lets you choose a Task Category, then select the Maximum Task Length (e.g. 0 mins to 10 mins). Run it find and update as Complete every Workfront Task within that Category that matches, providing their predecessors are all complete. The cost is per Workfront Task updated, but with no charge for a Task that is already marked as Complete.
Cost:  $1.50/Task
to a maximum of:
Instructional Video:  Yes, see link below

Create Baselines

To automatically create a Baseline for multiple Workfront Projects on a scheduled basis.
This AtApp lets you choose a Workfront Project Filter. A Baseline is created of each Project that matches the Workfront Filter. The cost is per Project baselined. This is a schedulable AtApp, allowing it to automatically be run daily or weekly, or with advanced Filtering, by status period (e.g. bi-weekly, 1st and 16th, etc.). This AtApp is also eligible for an Annual Subscription.
Cost:  $0.25/Project
to a maximum of:
Instructional Video:  No

Deassign Resources

Easily remove resources from a large number of Workfront tasks in your environment.
Select a date range, a Workfront Projects filter and a Workfront Job Roles filter, then let this app automatically deassign resources from tasks based on matching Workfront Job Roles.
Cost:  $0.25/Task
to a maximum of:
Instructional Video:  No

Double-Recalc Custom Parameters

To automatically recalc all Workfront Custom Expressions twice, ensuring they are up to date.
This AtApp lets you select any Workfront Object that supports Custom Data and any Filter you choose from your own Workfront Account. Run it to twice-recalculate every Custom Expression in every Category that matches the Filter. The cost is per Execution, regardless of the number of Parameters recalculated. This AtApp can also be scheduled to help ensure that your Calculated Data is always up to date.
Cost:  $5/App Run
to a maximum of:
Instructional Video:  No

DR@WF Cleanup Tools

How can I get control of the data in my Workfront Instance and keep it neat and tidy?
The Done Right At Workfront (DR@WF, or "Done Right", these days) team at Workfront did just that, and kindly agreed to share the top four dashboards and the template they developed as they undertook the herculean initiative to clean up the oldest Workfront instance in existence: their own! This Package is a companion to Shawn Loutensock's 2020 LEAP Presentation, where, as Workfront's "Hub" SysAdmin, he describes the best practices they developed, and how you can leverage them in your own Workfront instance. For background, Shawn's LEAP 2020 presentation is at https://event.on24.com/wcc/r/2423760/9D1E23FFA7B77FB32626162B4DCD6843
Cost:  $0/Package
Instructional Video:  No

Excel Updater

How do I import from Excel into Workfront? I have data in other business systems that I need imported into Workfront. I can generate Excel reports. A full data integration is overkill. Importing from Excel into Workfront seems like the simplest approach.
This AtApp lets you select an Excel file. Run it to upload the Excel file and process its COMPANIES, DOCUMENTS, EXPENSES, ISSUES, PORTFOLIOS, PROGRAMS, PROJECTS, TASKS, and USERS tab, and import the data from Excel into Workfront. The cost is per Workfront row updated, but with no charge for a row whose Excel file data matches what is already in Workfront. The tabs in the Excel file can list new values for Workfront core fields (e.g. Name, Description, etc.), as well as Parameter fields (e.g. those in Custom Data). You can also to overwrite, prepend, or append text values.
Cost:  $0.50/Item
to a maximum of:
Instructional Video:  Yes, see link below

Excel Updater Generator

To generate an Excel file with a PROJECTS/TASKS/ISSUES/etc Tab that defines all core and Custom Parameter fields in a given Workfront Category for use in the Excel Updater AtApp.
This AtApp lets you select a Category. Run it to generate an Excel file with a PROJECTS/TASKS/ISSUES/etc tab containing columns for all core and Custom Parameters for the Workfront Category that matches. This is a free AtApp.
Cost:  Free
Instructional Video:  Yes, see link below

Executive Dashboards

To allow executives to easily compare the absolute and relative activity within Workfront across a variety of metrics in a manner designed to improve both productivity and adoption.
The Executive Dashboards Package is a collection of informative dashboards and reports that present the relative USER, PROJECT, TASK, and ISSUE activity of from a particular Org Chart Level (OCL) as the sum of their subordinates, down the chain of command. The Executive Dashboards are also UberFilter enabled, which allows you to define and save additional filters of interest and quickly apply them across the all the reports on the dashboard at once, rather than having to set individual prompts every time. UberFilter is sold separately, but does come with a 7 day free trial. TIP: If you prefer not to license the UberFilter, we recommend applying the "My Subordinates" filters across all of the Executive Dashboards, leave them in that state, and remove the UberFilter section from each Dashboard. That way, when each person is logged in, they will automatically see the information from their vantage point "down" through their subordinates.
Cost:  $1,499/Package
Instructional Video:  No

Expedite Tasks

When Tasks complete ahead of schedule, automatically re-plan the start dates of the remaining Tasks in order to take advantage of those gains.
This AtApp lets you choose any Task Filter, finds all Tasks that match, then for those that have not yet started but could start sooner, advances the Planned Start Date by setting it to the Task's Handoff Date. This AtApp is schedulable, effectively allowing you to continuously re-plan the Project in order to keep it to the shortest window possible.
Cost:  $0.25/Task
to a maximum of:
Instructional Video:  No

Extract Document Text

Extract document text and store it in Workfront custom data parameter(s).
This solution scans all attached .doc, .docx and .pdf documents, extracts the human-readable text within the files, and saves the text into custom data parameters. This provides a way to use Workfront native search capabilities to search for keywords inside the attached documents.

NOTE: Only documents associated with Workfront items where the custom data parameters contain no text are scanned, so to re-scan documents, clear those custom data parameters in advance.
Cost:  $1/Item
to a maximum of:
Instructional Video:  No

Force Timeline Recalculation

To automatically recalc Workfront Timelines, ensuring they are up to date.
This AtApp lets you select any Projects Filter you choose from your own Workfront Account. Run it to force Workfront to recalculate timelines on the matching projects. The cost is per Execution, regardless of the number of Projects recalculated. This AtApp can also be scheduled to help ensure that your timelines are always up to date.
Cost:  $5/App Run
to a maximum of:
Instructional Video:  No

Generic Proof Approvals

How can I easily view and act upon my Proof Approvals?
Deploy this Generic Proof Approvals solution to install the Generic Proof Approvals report, provided courtesy of Kurt Jones
Cost:  $0/Package
Instructional Video:  No

HCGINT ADMIN | Proof Approval Stats

Have you ever wanted to evaluate how many Proof Versions are being Approved so you can improve your process?
Install this ADMIN | Proof Approval Stats report to visualize the number of (non-version 1) Proofs by Manager by Approver in a bar chart, then click an Approver bar of interest to reveal how many Proof Versions were created by Document name
Cost:  $0/Package
Instructional Video:  No

Lyndsy Denk | Admin backlog

As a system administrator, how can I be more strategic with my environment?
Create a dashboard that displays planned implementations and optimizations, a backlog of issues for improving your instance, and completed admin activities to celebrate your accomplishments.
Cost:  $0/Package
Instructional Video:  No

Project Templates Report

How can I see which Template(s) are used on each Project, especially when some are added over time (e.g. to insert additional Tasks)?
Deploy this package to your environment so you can use the Project Templates Report solution then run it, collapse it, and expand each Project to see which Template(s) are attached. The report includes a number of prompts (Project Name, Owner, Entry Date, Planned Start Date, Planned Completion Date, and Status) with which you can focus the results; and you're welcome to adjust the report to suit your own needs.
Cost:  $0/Package
Instructional Video:  No

Recalculate Helper

To easily recalculate Workfront Custom Form Expressions, Project Timelines or Project Finance.
  • Do you ever need to run Recalculate Custom Expressions?
  • Do you ever need to Recalulate Timelines or Recalculate Finance?
  • Ever need to do it for more than a few items?
Now there is an easy way to recalculate your Workfront data. AtAppStore has provided a tool that can be used with any Workfront On-Demand environment. It is embedded right in your own dashboards.

Read all about it in our catalog.

Click to enlarge
Cost:  Annual Subscription
Instructional Video:  No

Report all Report Details

To easily document the configuration of a group of Workfront Reports.
This AtApp generates an Excel spreadsheet with details about Reports in your Workfront environment. Select an Workfront object type (Project, Task, Issue, etc.) and this AtApp will document which fields are referenced by each custom Workfront report. Document which fields are used in the Filter, View, GroupBy and SortBy of each report. Why spend hours manually documenting what fields are used by each Report? This AtApp only takes seconds to run.
Cost:  $1/Report
to a maximum of:
Instructional Video:  No

Report Categories and Parameters

To easily document all Categories and Parameters defined in Workfront.
This AtApp generates an Excel spreadsheet with multiples tabs. All of the Categories and Parameters in your Workfront environment are documented in a single spreadsheet. It shows what Parameters are used where, and unused Parameters are also highlighted in yellow. It even documents the Calculated Field formulas. Why spend hours manually documenting these configurations? This AtApp only takes seconds to run.
Cost:  $9/App Run
to a maximum of:
Instructional Video:  No

Snapshot Workfront into MS-Access

You just want your data out of Workfront. You need a way to grab your Workfront data so you can have a copy of it inside your organization.
This solution pulls data from your Workfront instance and stores it in a relational format inside a Microsoft Access (MDB) file. The MDB includes your Portfolios, Programs, Projects, Tasks, Issues, Iterations, Users, Groups, Roles, Teams, Hours, Hour Types, Timesheets, Billing Records, Exchange Rates, Billing Rates, as well as Custom Forms. You can even schedule them (e.g. to run Weekly, Bi-Weekly, or Monthly, etc.) in My Account.

Single Run: $1799
Cost:  $1,799/App Run
to a maximum of:
Instructional Video:  No


To make capturing time spent on project tasks as easy as possible so your Workfront Projects reflect actual time spent on tasks, as it happened.
Stopwatch is an simple to use browser-based tool that makes capturing time in AtTask fast and easy. You are presented with a simple list of your own tasks across multiple projects. Stopwatch is your personal dashboard that shows when your tasks are due, lets you close completed tasks, and shows your total recorded hours for the day.

Simply click on a task to start the stopwatch. A second click stops the stopwatch, and automatically creates a corresponding timesheet record in AtTask. It is easy to capture time for a single task, as well as multi-task between tasks.

1. Try Stopwatch FREE for the first 30 days.

2. To Purchase an annual subscription, follow the instructions in the FAQ4 - HowToPurchaseStopwatchLicense.png under the Related Document section on this page

3. If you have any problems, please email us at sales@atappstore.com.
Cost:  Annual Subscription
Instructional Video:  No

Sync Template

To synchronize Workfront Template changes to their Projects.
This AtApp lets you select a Template and optionally choose a Project Status. Run it to synchronize Workfront Tempate changes to the matching Projects that were created upon the Template. The cost is per Workfront Task edited, with no charge for Tasks that still match the Template.
Cost:  $0.25/Task
to a maximum of:
Instructional Video:  No

Sync Template Helper

How do I override make it easier to use the Sync Template solution?
Deploy this package to install the Sync Template Template Task and Sync Template Tasks views which can help you modify and verify Template Tasks, as well as the Template Task Override custom form which you can attach to new Template Tasks in order for them to be treated as if they were part of the original Template in a way that lets them, too, be included in future Sync Template runs.
Cost:  $0/Package
Instructional Video:  No

The Scoop

Looking for a single click in your Browser or Smart Phone way to keep up with what's going on in Workfront? This is it!
Deploy this Package to your Workfront Environment to install "The Scoop" Dashboard which includes charts by Project and User of user-entered Notes within - the past 1, 2, 4, 8, 24, and 48 hours, - the past 7 weeks, and - a filterable version since the entire history. Flip any chart to its details tab to see the heat themed color-coded entries: - Hot Pink if <1 hour - Bright Purple if <2 hours - Calm Lavender if < 4 hours - Soft Violet if < 8 hours - Pale Indigo if < 24 hours - Chilled Turquoise if < 48 hours - Snowy Blue if < 1 week, and - Icy White otherwise For best results, save a shortcut to your desktop and smartphone: a click a day keeps the surprises away!
Cost:  $0/Package
Instructional Video:  No


Need a way to easily apply common filters to all Reports on an Workfront Dashboard, without editing each individual report on the Dashboard.
UberFilter provides a one-button-save that will update the filters of all Reports on a Dashboard with the new Workfront filter you have now selected.
Cost:  Annual Subscription
Instructional Video:  No

Update Category

To quickly manipulate and realign Categories to better match the business, including adding, removing, and reordering Parameters and Parameter Groups, as well as adjusting Calculated Parameter formulas.
This AtApp lets you select an Excel file. Run it to upload the Excel file and process its Category tab, which reconstructs the Category using the instructions in the Excel file, and (optionally) recalculates the Custom Data Expressions. The cost is per Execution.

CAUTION: an existing Parameter is NOT listed in the Excel file, that Parameter will be DROPPED from the Category along with any DATA that currently exists for that Parameter!

Cost:  $5/App Run
to a maximum of:
Instructional Video:  No

Update Category Generator

To generate an Excel file that defines all Parameter Groups and Parameters in a given Category, for use in the Populate Category AtApp.
This AtApp lets you select a Category. Run it to generate an Excel file with a Category tab containing columns for all Parameter Group and Parameter definitions (including Required, SharedRow, and Formula) for the Workfront Category that matches. This is a free AtApp.


To monitor usage and encourage adoption in an easy, transparent, and fun manner.
UserWatch is an add-in Package developed for Workfront Administrators that provides valuable insight into which users are best adopting the Workfront system...and how they are using it. From one informative Dashboard, several reports can be easily generated that do exactly this:

Last 7 Days Login shows which users have logged in within the past seven days so you can quickly monitor (and congratulate) them

Last 7 Days Hours shows which users have entered hours within the past seven days, giving you a quick way to monitor and improve time recording. The report highlights days with none in grey, days with less than 8 hours in yellow, days with exactly 8 in green, and days over 8 hours in red. You can easily adjust the thresholds to suit your own business rules.

Activity Edits Today/Last Week/Last Month are three column charts showing the number of recent edits by user by day in the past day, week, and month, respectively. The charts tell a quick story on whose active, and what the recent trends are. Being interactive, you can easily click into a particular user's bar to get a sense of the data they've been editing.

Activity Edits Trend offers you prompts for Owner Name, Project Name, and Entry Date, then presents a line chart of the edits that match that criteria, giving an insightful trend of activity over time (by week). You can easily adjust the prompt options and level of detail to suit your business requirements.

Account Setup Badges ranks every Active User with points they can earn from Gold, Silver, and Bronze Badges for setting up their Workfront account and keeping it current. The report uses data from a User level Custom Form of the same name (also included) that tracks a ten different Calculated Parameters, as well as the points total. You can attach the form directly to users, or add the fields to existing Custom Forms manually, or using our Update Category AtApp (sold separately). The report is a fun way to encourage users to participate and engage, and is designed to make it easy to rank standings and award prizes, if you'd like to have some friendly competition.

If you want to get a better sense for how Workfront is being adopted by your users and how it is impacting overall performance, license UserWatch today!
Cost:  $499/Package
Instructional Video:  No

WFPro Admin Support

Work begins with a requests. System administrators need to set a good example by using Workfront for request fulfillment.
WFPro Admin Support lays the groundwork for using Workfront to support users with a request type, queue, custom form and dashboard to support requests.
Cost:  $499/Package
Instructional Video:  No

WFPro Bot Site

Add the WFPro Bot site to the WFPro Experience.
Add the WFPro Bot site to the WFPro Experience.
Cost:  $0/Package
Instructional Video:  No

WFPro Discussion

We can all agree that communication is the number one reason why projects fail and work is delayed. One of the main reasons this happens is because we lack the ability to truly communicate in context, or at least so we thought.
WFPro Discussion brings the discussion board technology to your Workfront projects immediately after installation. Take communication to an entirely new level of "within context" and set your organization years ahead of where you stand today from the perspective of communication.
Cost:  $4,050/Package
Instructional Video:  No

WFPro License Tracker

Managing licenses outside of Workfront is difficult.
With this solution, use familiar tools to manage licenses for your favorite apps.
Cost:  $400/Package
Instructional Video:  No

WFPro Navigation

Navigating Workfront in Classic and New Experience is difficult without full control over the user navigation experience.
WFPro Navigation provides a fully configured and consistent navigation experience for all users to enjoy.
Cost:  $0/Package
Instructional Video:  No

WFPro Notes

It's easy to lose sight of notes that have been added to the instance.
With WFPro Notes, you'll be able to review and locate notes entered by users with this dashboard.
Cost:  $0/Package
Instructional Video:  No

WFPro Package Manifest

Any user who has ever created new "things" in Workfront related to configuring the environment for a specific use case knows that it can quickly become unmanageable. From reports and dashboard to custom forms and teams, these objects add up very fast.
As creators in Workfront, it's crucial to set the standard early and track everything created in support of a configured environment. WFPro Package Manifest is a package that will ensure you never lose track of these objects again.
Cost:  $5,475/Package
Instructional Video:  No

WFPro Projects

The ability to quickly create or access portfolios, programs, templates and projects is essential to keeping things organized in your instance.
WFPro Projects deploys a collection of dashboards to the instance that immediately exposes projects in a completely new manner.
Cost:  $3,700/Package
Instructional Video:  No


Adding documentation that can be maintained easily is a challenge.
Install WIKI to manage content and links related to your project.
Cost:  $2,500/Package
Instructional Video:  No

Workfront Cleanup Dashboard

Keeping Workfront clean from unused objects is a long-standing best practice but one that can seem daunting without the right tools.
This dashboard is designed for System Administrators or Process Owners to easily find Workfront Data that may need to be cleaned up to help improve the user experience. We recommend reviewing this dashboard every quarter to help keep Workfront clean.

Workfront Snapshot Schema

You are interested in Snapshot Workfront into MS-Access, but want to know what your own schema will look like.
This AtApp creates an MS-Access database with all the same tables that would be generated by a full Snapshot. You can see all the table definitions, as well as the tables corresponding to your Custom Forms. The tables are present, but not populated. This gives you a way to see what types of data are included, and not included, in Snapshot for free.
Cost:  Free
Instructional Video:  No