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App Logo AtAppDemo MarCom Gantt Package

How can I set key dates such as Planning and Execution by Program to help me prioritize them against other Programs, and then optionally contrast them against the underlying Projects as they become current and get closed?
Deploy our AtAppDemo MarCom Gantt package into your environment. Share the AtAppDemo MarCom Gantt (Standalone), AtAppDemo MarCom Gantt (Portfolio) and AtAppDemo MarCom Gantt (Program) dashboards with the Users of interest (via Layout Templates, setting up the latter two as Custom Tabs at the Portfolio and Program level, respectively). Also share the MarCom Gantt (Program) custom form, MarCom Gantt (Program) view, and MarCom Gantt Default filter with those same users. Invite them to filter a list of the Programs of interest, then for each such Program, use the MarCom Gantt (Program) view to enter the Pre Planning Start Date, Planning Start Date, Execution Start Date, In Flight Start Date, Measurement Start Date, and Completion End Date. All six dates must be entered in order to be eligible for the MarCom Gantt report, so if any are not needed, set its date to match the next date, effectively "shrinking" the former to zero duration. With that data then updated, navigate to either any of the Dashboards. Leave the Select Report tab set to MarCom Gantt. Leave the Program Filter set to MarCom Gantt Default (noting that you can optionally select any user-defined Program filter to which you have access). Optionally, override the From and To dates (which default to the beginning of the current month and two years from that date, respectively) on the Dates tab. On the Settings tab, toggle the Show Project Details for Current (yellow) and Complete (grey) projects either on or off as you prefer, select the desired Gantt Sort to either Name (default), Pre Planning, Planning, Execution, In Flight, Measurement, or Completion, then click the View Report button to retrieve the data. Zoom and scroll to review the results, and optionally right click to toggle to the desired.pdf / .pptx / .doc / .tiff / .xls filetype extension then left-click to download the MarCom Gantt in that desired format for distribution or further analysis. Scroll to the bottom of the dashboard to locate and adjust a Program of interest directly on its editable grid row, then scroll to the top again and View Report to see the impact of those edits.

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