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App Logo DR@WF Cleanup Tools

How can I get control of the data in my Workfront Instance and keep it neat and tidy?
The Done Right At Workfront (DR@WF, or "Done Right", these days) team at Workfront did just that, and kindly agreed to share the top four dashboards and the template they developed as they undertook the herculean initiative to clean up the oldest Workfront instance in existence: their own! This Package is a companion to Shawn Loutensock's 2020 LEAP Presentation, where, as Workfront's "Hub" SysAdmin, he describes the best practices they developed, and how you can leverage them in your own Workfront instance. For background, Shawn's LEAP 2020 presentation is at https://event.on24.com/wcc/r/2423760/9D1E23FFA7B77FB32626162B4DCD6843

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