How can I tag Projects, Tasks and/or Issues and visualize them in a Swimlane Report within Workfront?
Deploy our AtAppDemo Open Issues package into your environment. Share the Swimlane Details (Projects), Swimlane Details (Tasks), and Swimlane Details (Issues) views and filters with the Users of interest and invite them to use those views to tag the Projects, Tasks, and/or Issues of interest to appear on the Swimlane Portolio, Swimlane Program, and/or Swimlane Project Owner reports as desired. Navigate to and filter for the Users of interest, set the view to AtApp Swimlane Report, bulk update those Users to AtApp Swimlane Report Activated = Yes, add our AtAppDemo Swimlane Report (Standalone Dashboard), AtAppDemo Swimlane Report (Portfolio), AtAppDemo Swimlane Report (Program), and/or AtAppDemo Swimlane Report (Project) dashboards and/or custom sections to those Users' Layout Templates. On any such dashboard, set the Report Options (e.g. "Show Logo = My Domain", Project Contains, etc.), set Select Report (e.g. "Swimlane Portfolo"), and optionally change the Project/Task/Issue default filters, set the desired Date range. Optionally change the Report Settings (e.g. Page Height = Legal Portrait, Time Level = Month, etc.), then click View Report to render the report. Assess the results (adjusting the Report Options, Filters, and/or Settings as desired)), then click any specific Portfolio, Program, or Project listed to open it, ctrl-click the "P", "T", or "I" hyperlink to navigate to the corresponding Project, Task or Issue for more information, and optionally right click to toggle to the desired.pdf / .pptx / .doc / .tiff / .xls filetype extension then left-click to download the Swimlane in that desired format for distribution or further analysis.